A suite of projects located in the highly prospective south-eastern Anosy region near Fort Dauphine, home to recognised uranium districts that remain relatively underexplored.
Five projects totalling 1,450km2 land holding prospective for uranium and Rare Earth Element (REE) mineralisation.
Key exploration target is metamorphic uranium contained in uranothirianite (ThU)O2, a highly effective fuel for thermal reactor electricity generation.
Favourable rock types in the area (skarns, marble and pegmatite) along with uranothorianite, allanite, yttrium, monazite mineral occurrences identified.
Area has a long history of exploration and mining activity dating back to the early 1900s and continues to be a hotspot of activity.
Close to Rio Tinto’s active 80%-owned QIT Madagascar Minerals at Fort Dauphin, which mines Ilmenite, Zirsill, Monazite.
Well equipped exploration camp and private airstrip within the 25km2 property.
Site home to eight historical uranthoriancite mine workings.
Granted prospective and mining rights with an exploration permit carry to 2043.
Has been subject to significant exploration including ground radiometrics, ground magnetics, grab/rock chip sampling, trenching and core drilling.
Wide spread and high grade uranium rock samples with values exceeding the 10,000ppm (1%) detection limit.
High grade REE rock samples with bedrock values greater than 310,000 ppm (30%) including:
Cerium (Ce) up to 158,000 ppm (15.8 %)
Lanthanum (La) up to 95,600 ppm (9.5 %)
Neodymium (Nd) up to 35,000 ppm (3.5 %)
Praseodymium (Pr) up to 13,600 ppm (1.3 %)
Yttrium (Y) > 10,000 ppm (1 %) - the upper limit of detection
Dysprosium (Dy), Erbium (Er) an d Ytterbium (Yb) > 1,000 ppm (0.1 %) - the upper limit of detection.
Total 93.75km2land area with a historic underground mine.
Located in a historical heavy REE district and has abundant diopside skarn and pegmatites identified through desktop data compilation and analysis.
Pegmatite-rich strike running north-south on west boundary of property.
Total 425km2 underexplored land area that has been subject to desktop data compilation and analysis.
Allanite mineral occurrences identified and airborne radiometrics have returned U values up to 27 ppm, well above regional average of 6 ppm.
Large and positive U and Th anomaly identified within 4km x 18km area.
Abundant and well dispersed diopside skarn units across 425km2 site.
Includes uranothorianite, monazite and yttrium mineral occurrences.
Unspecified historical workings, many of which coincide with skarns, are apparent ion the property.
Encompasses part of a uranothorianite and marble mineral district (after Carte de Potentiel Minier, 1973).
Good correlation between airborne U and Th anomalies and diopside skarn units with several good targets (A to E) ready for verification.
Total 425km2 land area that remains significantly underexplored.
Includes several diopside skarn units in proximity to a large granitic migmatite body associated with other diopside skarn units, uranothorianite occurrences and historical workings.
Airborne radiometrics indicates a large positive U and Th anomaly within a 3km x 8km area.